Environment Impact /Achievements


IFSO's projects have impacted their respective target groups their by the society at large in different perspectives. Here below we have tried to outline environmental impacts and/or achievements with regards to each project. More detail information is available in the annual reports of IFSO.


Children Oasis- Sustainable Development for Children Project

Under the ChildrensÕ Oasis- Sustainable Development for Children Project a total of 76,435 different types of indigenous tree seedlings were planted on the ÔEntotoÕ mountain range of Addis Ababa city administration. 600 community members also participated in workshops on the issues of environmental protection. In the Addis Ababa city administration 9 springs were developed to improve the access of the community for clean potable water.

Children Safety Net Project

Under the Children Safety Net Project 29 dry west containers and other sanitary materials were distributed to local government authorities as well as  one community toilet were also constructed.